This is a stream of conscious blog that I started just after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. If you want to read the full story of my diagnosis you can find it here.

I’ve since stopped writing here, but rather than take it down, I thought I would leave it here in case someone ever types “dear diabetes, you suck” into google looking for someone else who understands.
I still occasionally rant about diabetes on twitter at @thacherhussain but mostly I’ve focused on doing whatever I want, trying to keep my diabetes in the background as much as possible. Currently managing my type 1 with a Tandem t:slim insulin pump using control-IQ, Dexcom G6, an excellent endocrinologist (with a responsive office) — without the privilege of access and the means to have these tools my story would be very different. Using the t:slim with control-IQ is the least amount of effort I’ve put into my diabetes in years, having previously used… in historical order… MDI, Omnipods, OpenAPS, and Loop, it’s been a nice break from being my own IT department… I’ll probably go back to open source again, but right now I’m enjoying extra brain space. I’m grateful that I’m able to manage my diabetes in this way and try to pay it forward any way I can. I would love to hear from anyone who wants to chat — hope to see you on twitter.