
See… no Dexcom app!

A few days ago my dex sensor failed, so I decided to go without the dex just for a bit… I took it off, placed the transmitter on my kitchen counter next to my grandfather’s pocket change dish and went on with my night. I kept getting these annoying sensor failed alerts on my phone, so I switched my Bluetooth off, but you know, you can only go so long without Bluetooth. So this morning I turned off the receiver… still getting alerts, btw they are REALLY loud, especially considering that they are basically alerting me to the fact that nothing is going on… but I digress… what I did next surprised even me. I opened my Bluetooth menu and told my phone to forget the dex transmitter device. Then, just to be sure, I deleted the dexcom app off my phone. It was so freeing. I know this won’t last… by my very nature I love data and to disregard a device that literally records my own bio data is a ridiculous prospect, but it felt so good. I was camping this past week and my Fitbit died… so I took it off, then I took of my Apple Watch too… that didn’t last too long since my numbers were so crazy, but there was something amazing about not measuring my self worth against a number every time I glanced at my watch. I didn’t even know I felt that way until I took it off. There is so much value in technology, but I think the same way I value standing barefoot in the sand or sitting with my back resting against a tree, being free of these devices, no matter how groundbreaking and amazing they are, just every once and awhile is good for the soul. to remember that I am a whole person just on my own. maybe I’ve been drinking too much tea… I’ll probably get back to working on my openAPS tomorrow, but for today I’m free.