Tomorrow I am flying to Palo Alto to attend MedX starting with a workshop on using Blockchain technology in health care, then Thursday I’m attending and speaking at the Health Care Innovation conference (sign up to watch me on livestream), then attending the main event conference Friday – Sunday. I’m so excited to learn and to meet new people — last year it was a meeting of the minds in so many ways. Most of all I’m looking forward to seeing friends and other patients who understand me in a way that I couldn’t even articulate to you if I tried, the “I’ve been there” is sometimes the only thing I need to hear to start to feel better. Starting with one patient reaching out to another.. once, you get used to getting up from being knocked down I’m convinced that there’s nothing that is insurmountable. Walking into MedX knowing that I am going to be inspired… I have a few adventure plans brewing that could use a kickstart too…