Okay, so I’m still working on the Open APS, but it’s had to take a bit of a backseat while I wrap up school, or at least while I build my final project… which I could use some input on… I’m starting on the build, well I’ve started, but the picture is just an image mock-up…
In the simplest terms, I want to know how many days I really wear my dexcom sensors (I know… 7 days… whatever whatever). This is where this idea started because I have tried all the ways I can think of to track this… spreadsheets, notes on my calendar, tracker apps… nothing seems to fit into being able to be used quickly, being able to see the data easily, and being able to download/use the data outside of the app… so I’m building it.
If you are a patient or caregiver of someone with a chronic illness, would you use this? If yes or no, why? Is there anything else you would add?
Feedback here or on twitter @thachert1d would be great — thanks!